Construction Management & BIM Solutions

BIM & Visualization Services
BIM support for any project at any stage...
There is a common misconception that BIM is 3D design. Besides creating a high-quality multi-disciplinary 3D BIM model, we provide all kinds of BIM services for control and support at any phase of projects that you are considering implementing with BIM. From consulting to delivering full-scope BIM works, you can contact us in order to get our support.
Preparing BIM Management Plans

We provide support and guidence to create accurate and realistic BIM Management Plan which is specialised for your project needs.
Defining scope, LOD matrices file namings & templates, and delivery dates carefully are the most important factors to achieve success.
2D CAD Drawings

BIM modeling allows us to provide infinite number of 2D drawings. As they are exported from the same model, any kind of change in one drawing will also appear instantly in other drawings and documents which are related. And This keeps all the construction drawings updated. Drawing can be delivered in any 2D file format such as PDF, DWG, DXF etc...
Quantity Take-offs

As the BIM model contains all of the object information for all disciplines, instantly updating quantity take-offs can be delivered.
These documents can have various breakdowns and classifications.
Clash Detection

We can track all of the clashes between disciplines occurring from design drawings, can make necessary revisions in order to get coordinated & superposed projects. This lets us create accurate shop-drawings which will help speeding up the installation process and avoiding holds on the site.
Performance Analyses

With the BIM model created in high quality and containing material data, we can create analyses for physical world.
Reports for natural & artificial lighting analyze, energy consuming analyze, duct/pipe pressure & flow analyse, static anaylse etc.. can be delivered in any format you need.
4D & 5D Simulation

Integrating the BIM model and work schedule allows us to simulate the construction process visually. This helps to coordinate the site more effectively and compare the current situation of construction with the planned situation.
A schedule added information for cost lets us create a simulation which contains the financial status of the project.
As Built Drawings

Working with BIM tools along the construction process will automatically generate a 3D as-built model containing all the assets, finalized material, and installation data.
Facility Management

A LOD500 model containing assets which have COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) code parameters and organizing manuals and maintenance information of equipment will be ready for export to FM Softwares.

Contrary to common opinion BIM is not a software but it is a process. Therefore knowing how to use Softwares is not enough to implement BIM to your projects successfully.
We provide training programs and workshops to help professionals overcome this transition process.
Experience your project before constructing...
We can create photorealistic images, animations and VR environments presenting your project's final design or construction process.
Still Images

Rendered realistic and artistic Still Images in high-resolution.

Cinematic HD animation is a strong tool for presenting your project to the client / end-users.
Virtual Reality

COMAS can provide interactive and realistic experiences in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality. We can simulate environments and create custom and interactive experiences on the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR.